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v2 Tesla API Token Support Ending

James 2 years ago 0

In October 2020 Tesla changed to a new authentication system to generate tokens and link your Tesla.com account to your TeslaFi.com account.

In December 2020 TeslaFi sent emails and placed a dismissible notice when logging in to your account with a message encouraging users to generate a new token and link their accounts using Tesla's new authentication system.

For the past year these old tokens have continued to work and allow TeslaFi to obtain data from your vehicle but Tesla is slowly expiring the old tokens and users should generate a new Tesla API Token as soon as possible.

You can generate a new Tesla API Token and ensure your TeslaFi account can access data from your vehicle from the Settings menu in Settings->Tesla Account and selecting Generate My Token.  From here you can use one our web browser extensions or iOs/Andoid Apps to generate a token directly on Tesla's website.


Tesla API Access

James 4 years ago updated by EDIflyer 4 years ago 2

Tesla appears to have blocked Amazon, Google, and Microsoft’s IP’s from accessing their servers. We don't believe it was done intentionally to stop third-party services from accessing the API, however, it's still unknown why this occurred and why it's continuing to occur.

In the meantime, a temporary fix was implemented until things return to normal. This was put in place last night to resume logging and the final touches were made this morning to get things such as Alexa working. Changes were also done to quickly handle any issues like this, should they occur in the future.

We will continue to monitor and let you know when we find out more information or if things return to normal.

Thank you,




James 7 years ago updated 2 days ago 612

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James 2 days ago


  • Added software version reviews and ratings to the Software Tracker and Your Software Updates pages:
    Image 5538
    Image 5539
    Image 5540

  • Added the ability to search by notes in the Drive Search & Download page.


  • Road trip maps were displaying excluded data points from drives.
  • The return to previous page link when editing locations was not working as expected.
  • Charge and drive detail pages next and previous links would allow for viewing drives/charges not yet performed.